Jeroni Oliva, coordinator
Member of:
The Maria Canals “Porta Cua” is the OFF Competition’s most successful effort due to the visibility it brings not only during the piano competition, but also throughout the year. The main idea is to station grand pianos for everyone who wishes to play in several public and accessible spaces in Catalonia’s cities and towns, in a pleasant and festive atmosphere.
The Association has stationed grand pianos in a number of public spaces: in squares and streets, in the main traffic arteries and neighborhoods of several Catalan cities (Plaça Reial, Passatge Maria Canals, Plaça Catalunya, Plaça Pastrana, Ciutat Meridiana, La Verneda, etc.), in the public transport system (subway, train stations, airports), in cultural facilities (TNC, Palau Robert, El Born Centre Cultural, La Pedrera, MACBA), in universities (UPF, UAB, UB, UIC, ESADE, etc.), and in many other locations.
The Competition’s involvement with hospitals began with Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron and Fundació Paliaclínic, where the Maria Canals permanently stationed a Bösendorfer piano in the main hall. This piano is currently located in Hospital Infantil i de la Dona.
The initiative’s success among passersby and the Association’s social commitment have sustained the project. Today, the entire Sant Joan de Déu hospital community, and more specifically the child patients, can play music during their stay.
The Maria Canals currently offers three upright and grand pianos to the Pere Vila, El Til·ler and Els Porxos schools for the children’s enjoyment and learning.
The Association also lent 2 grand pianos, one to Centre Cívic Casal Font d’en Fargas and the other one to Auditori Municipal de Sant Martí. Together with the Auditori de Sant Martí, the Association organizes an annual series of 3 concerts featuring award-winning pianists and other pianists linked to the Competition.
The Fundación Occident and the Maria Canals International Music Competition organize an event called “Your city fills up with pianos”, which aims to surprise citizens from different parts of Spain with unique locations becoming real outdoor music stages to enjoy piano practice in a very special day.
Thanks to the close collaboration between the Fundación Occidente and the Maria Canals Competition, this cultural event has been organized in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Seville, Cadiz, Malaga, Salamanca, Toledo, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Leon and Granada.
Every year, the Association promotes informative and educational activities for both children and adults, particularly focusing on the playful aspect of piano practice but also bearing in mind its technical foundations. These activities take place in different locations and are addressed at general education schools (pre-school, primary and secondary), music schools, conservatories, universities, and senior citizens.
"Piano in the playgrounds" is possible thanks to the support of the Fundació La Caixa. This initiative provides grand pianos to primary schools during one week and offers introductory lessons to encourage creativity and musical practice among children from P3 to 6th grade.
Thus, their curiosity is stimulated by the instrument and music in general, and a small step is taken to break the stereotype of pianos –particularly grand pianos– being elitist.
This educational initiative jointly organized with the Taller de Músicsoffers a series of didactic recitals in the classrooms with several instruments aimed at boys and girls of primary schools. They receive introductory lessons from students at the Higher School of the Taller de Músics.
At the end of the school year, a great performance that brings together the schools and Taller de Músics takes place at Fabra i Coats, where children have the opportunity to listen to the students of Taller de Músics playing together after having seen them individually at school during the previous months.
Apart from the grand piano located in the main hall of the child and maternity building of Hospital Vall d'Hebron, for everyone who wishes to play, the Maria Canals also offers a keyboard so child patients can take music lessons and thus reinforce Aula Hospitalària’s musical training.
Each week a group of volunteers from the Competition carry the keyboard from room to room. In this way, child patients can play the instrument, sing, read music and create rhythms.
In special dates such as Santa Cecília, Christmas or Sant Jordi, the teachers of Aula Hospitalària and the volunteers of the Competition visit the facilities together to fill every corner with music.
The final of the competition is not just a musical performance for experts to decide who wins the first prize. It is also an event for the audience to enjoy and a space for discovery.
For this reason, the Competition has a student’s jury who listens carefully, evaluates the finalists with musical and artistic criteria, and gives the verdict.
During their stay in Barcelona the contestants will offer masterclasses in music centers for advanced piano students to make the most for every one of their participation in the Maria Canals Competition.
The Maria Canals Association organizes several educational activities aimed at senior citizens and the university community, such as introductory piano seminars, guided listening sessions, recitals by Maria Canals contestants, musical gatherings and recitals guided by local pianists. For many years now, we work together with the Aules d’Extensió Universitària in Sant Cugat and the UIC.
Maria Canals, the founder of the Competition, created this event so that her students could enjoy the most talented young pianists coming from the different piano schools in the world. In this way, Barcelona became a window of international discovery.
Today, this endeavor is still alive: therefore, the Maria Canals invites all music students to the Competition. Group assistance to the first round is free and individually you may obtain a 50% discount for all rounds if you identify yourself as a music student.
Can you play? #johitoco
With the hashtag #johitoco, the OFF Competition fosters participation among music schools, conservatories and anyone who dares to record a video explaining why they play the piano and what they enjoy the most about it, together with a short musical performance. The winners of the “You can play!" competition will have the opportunity to perform on a grand piano at the Palau de la Música Catalana.
The jury will evaluate three aspects from each video: the most original reason that pushed the participant to play the piano; the number of visits; and the best edition and performance. The goal is not to show or promote virtuosity but to assert musical practice in accordance with the prevailing technological, social, and cultural trends.
You can check out the videos at the Player’s Gallery.
Categoria A
Categoria B
Categoria C
Categoria D
Categoria I
Categoria II
Categoria III
Categoria IV
Categoria V –
Categoria A
Categoria B
Categoria C
First, you must record the video with a mobile phone or camera. Before you start, we ask you to say: “JO HI TOCO” (“I CAN PLAY”). Then, please introduce yourself and the piece you are about to play, and especially tell us what playing the piano means to you. Finally, you can play the piece you have prepared for us.
Then upload your video to Youtube. To do so, you need to have your own Youtube channel. If you use Gmail, you already have it by default. If not, you need to create a new one.
The next step is posting the video on our Youtube channel, in the Player’s Gallery, via the web form.
When you upload the video to the Youtube channel, you need to share the information we ask for in the description section:
(Registration: individual, until May 10th, 2023)
The collaboration project with health centers began with the Hospital Vall d'Hebron – Fundació Paliaclínic, continued with Hospital Clínic and several CAPs and ICS health centers, and finally reached Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, in collaboration with Grífols and the Hospital Josep Trueta in Girona. It is a key project that strengthens the Maria Canals' social and local commitment and support of health workers, a decisive group in the pandemic.
"Piano in the playgrounds" is possible thanks to the support of the Fundació La Caixa. This initiative provides grand pianos to primary schools during one week and offers introductory lessons to encourage creativity and musical practice among children from P3 to 6th grade.
This educational initiative offers didactic recitals in classrooms, with several instruments aimed at boys and girls of primary schools who receive introductory lessons from students of the Higher School of the Taller de Músics.
The Competition encourages the contestants to offer masterclasses, as well as other educational activities, to different schools.
In addition, the student’s jury, made up of students from schools and conservatories related to the Competition, will also award a prize.
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Ajuntament de Cervera
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Ajuntament de Palamós
Ajuntament de Palau-Solità i Plegamans
Ayuntamiento de Pozoblanco
Ajuntament de Puig-Reig
Ajuntament de Rubí
Ajuntament de Sant Cugat
Ajuntament de Santa Coloma de Gramenet
Ajuntament de Tarragona
Ajuntament de Teià
Ajuntament de Terrassa
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geletrú
Ajuntament de Palamós
Acadèmia Marshall-Granados
Art Music
Conservatori Municipal de Badalona
Conservatori Municipal de Barcelona
Conservatori Professional del Liceu
Conservatori Superior del Liceu
Escola Coral de l’Orfeó Català
Escola de Música de Barcelona
Escola de Música Can Canturri
Escola de Música Casp
Escola de Música de Cabrera de Mar
Escola de Música del Centre Moral i Cultural del Poblenou
Escola de Música El Prat
Escola de Música Joan Llongueres
Escola de Música La Sala de Poblenou
Escola de Música Lestonnac
Escola de Música Musicaula
Escola de Música Tarantel·la
Escola de Música Virtèlia
Escola de Músics
Escola Municipal de Música Can Ponsic
Escola Municipal de Música Can Roig i Torres
Escola Municipal de Música de Rubí Pere Burés
Escola Municipal de Música de l’Eixample
Escola Municipal de Música Nou Barris
Escola Municipal de Música Sant Andreu
Escola de Música de Cabrera de Mar
Estudi Musical 143
SUMI Suzuki Music Institute
Taller de Músics
Aula d’extensió universitària Sant Cugat
Aula hospitalària Vall d’HebronCEIP Turó Blau
CEIP Alfonsa Cavin
CEIP Arc de Sant Martí
CEIP Bac de Roda
CEIP Ciutat Comtal
CEIP Can Fabra
CEIP Ciudad de Jaén
CEIP Congrés-Indians
CEIP El Sagrer
CEIP El Til·ler
CEIP Elisenda de Montcada
CEIP Els Horts
CEIP Els Porxos
CEIP Escola del Mar
CEIP Escola Orlandai
CEIP Ferran i Clua
CEIP Huerta del Carmen
CEIP Ignasi Iglésias
CEIP Juan Sebastián Elcano
CEIP La Maquinista
CEIP Manuel Siurot
CEIP Marcelo Usera
CEIP Mestre Enric Gibert i Camins
CEIP Mestre Morera
CEIP Molí de Finestrelles
CEIP Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer
CEIP Nuestra Señora de la Fuencisla
CEIP Pegaso
CEIP Pino Flores
CEIP Pompeu Fabra
CEIP República de Brasil
CEIP República de Venezuela
CEIP San José Obrero
CEIP Timbaler del Bruc
CEIP Torrent de Can Carabassa
CEIP Valdés Leal
Escola L’Heura
ESADE Barcelona – Pedralbes
ESADE Barcelona – Sant Cugat
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Campus Barcelona
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya – Campus Sant Cugat
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Campus Ciutadella
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Campus del Poblenou
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Campus del Mar
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Edifici Roc Boronat
UPF – Business School of Management
Universitat Ramon Llull
Associació Musical “Músics de Gràcia”
Associació Musical Giravolt
Cor Compartir Clavé XXI
Cor Coral·lí
Cor del CIC
Cor EM Sant Gervasi
Cor Geografia i Història de la UB
Cor Gospel Optomestrist
Cor Gospel The New Zombies
Cor Infantil Clavé XXI
Cor Joves Musicant
Cor La Salle
Cor So de Sants
Cor The Wheels Gospel
Cor Yonder
Musical’s Choir
Roig Korai, cor de noies de l’Orfeó Gracienc
The Piano Seekers
Ateneu Barcelonès
Auditori Centre Cultural Sant Martí
El Born Centre Cultural
El Museu del Disseny DHUB
La Pedrera
Liceu Opera Barcelona
Palau de la Música Catalana
Palau Robert
Recinte Modernista Sant Pau
Casa Ronald McDonald
Centre Comercial la Illa Diagonal
Edifici Alta Diagonal
El Nacional Restaurant
FC Barcelona – Camp Nou
Restaurant 7 Portes
CAP Guinardó
CAP Guineueta
CAP La Marina
CAP Pare Claret
CAP Sant Martí de Provençals
CAP Trinitat Vella
CAPSBE Les Corts
Hospital de la Vall d’Hebron
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Diari Ara
SER Catalunya