Carlos Cebro, Artistic Director
Member of:
El proper mes de març se celebrarà el 70è Concurs Internacional de Música Maria Canals al Palau de la Música Catalana. Between March 23 and April 3, Barcelona will be filled with piano music with the best candidates from all over the world to obtain the valuable awards offered by the Maria Canals Competition. The winners take home more than €80,000 in prizes. When spring comes, Barcelona welcomes young talents who are passionate about playing the piano and wish to pursue a career as pianists.
5 euros
5 euros
10 euros
40 / 25 euros
1st floor
40 / 25 / 20 euros
2nd floor
20 / 15 / 10 euros
Del 23 al 30 de març
Les proves, que se celebren al Petit Palau, són un autèntic espectacle per als amants del piano. Un luxe estètic i experiencial en el qual pots fer una autèntica immersió al gran repertori per a piano. La primera prova tindrà lloc entre el 23 i el 25 de març, la segona el 27 i el 28 de març, i la semifinal, on hi arribaran només els 6 millors concursants, serà el dia 30 de març. El públic general pot assistir a totes les jornades.
El 2 d’abril
La Gran Final del Concurs és la festa més grossa del pianisme a Barcelona. Tres finalistes es baten per aconseguir la primera posició a la Sala de Concerts del Palau, amb orquestra i obres essencials del repertori sota la mirada del jurat i un públic entregat. Aquesta fita, que se celebra des de 1954, es realitza en col·laboració amb la Fundació Banc Sabadell i és retransmesa en directe per l’emissora pública Catalunya Música. La Gran Final del 70è Concurs Maria Canals tindrà lloc el dimecres, 2 d’abril de 2025.
JONC, the orchestra for the Grand Finale
The Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya was founded in September 1993. Its main goal has been to offer an orchestral training to young musicians and to actively collaborate in their employability. The JONC has also provided a high-quality cultural product, accessible to everyone thanks to its social and educational purposes.
The JONC consists of musicians aged between 19 and 25. It plays in the Grand Finale of the Maria Canals International Music Competition since 2015.
The Venue
The Palau de la Música Catalana has hosted the Maria Canals Competition since 1954. The youngest and most talented international pianists have the chance to perform in this iconic venue. The rounds take place in the Petit Palau and only the best three contestants perform on this modernist stage, which is full of history. The offices of the Competition are located in its facilities.
El 3 d’abril
Després de més de deu dies de gran intensitat, és el moment de la celebració i el reconeixement als guanyadors. El dia següent de la Gran Final, el 3 d’abril, el Saló de Cent de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona acull el lliurament de premis. Un homenatge de tota la ciutat a l’esforç dels guardonats, el jurat i també a tots els donants de premis, essencials per fer possible aquesta festa del pianisme mundial.
Montse Brunet Agustí
Golden medal offered by Bagués-Masriera Joiers
Medal offered by Capdevila, Joiers i Argenters
Medal offered by Sant, Joieria i Argenteria
Forth place
Five place
Sixth place
Best interpreter of Enrique Granados
Prize of 1500 euros and several concerts, offered by the Family Vallribera-Mir to the best music performer by Enric Granados.
Audience prize
25 hours of recording and editing offered by Solfa Recordings to the winner of the Audience Award.
Best performer of Manuel Blancafort's music (1897-1987)
1.500 euro prize offered by Fundació Frederic Mompou to the best semi-finalist performer of Frederic Mompou music from second round
(To consult the catalog of his work:
Best performer of Isaac Albéniz (1893-1987) music
Prize of 1,000 euros offered by the Public Foundation Museu Isaac Albéniz de Camprodon to the best performer of the music of Isaac Albéniz and a possible recital in Camprodon.
Best performer of the music of Frederic Mompou (1893-1987)
Prize of 1,500 euros offered by the Frederic Mompou Foundation to the best semifinalist performing Frederic Mompou's music from the second test (To consult the catalog of his work:
Recital offered by the Frederic Mompou Foundation to the best performer of Frederic Mompou's music from the second round, in the Nous Valors & Clàssica de Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona season
Recital offered by the Instituto Cervantes in Palermo to the best ranked Spanish-American contestant in the second round.
Recital offered by the Istituto Italiano di cultura di Barcellona to the best Italian performer who ranks among the top 10.
A minimum of one concert with the Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla during its season at the Teatro de la Real Maestranza, offered to the winner of the competition.
A minimum of one concert with the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra during its season at the Eskalduna Palace offered to the winner of the competition.
A minimun of one concert with the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra during its season at the Auditorio de Tenerife, offered to the winner of the competition.
A minimum of one concert with the Madrid Symphony Orchestra during its season at the Auditorio Nacional, offered to the winner of the competition.
A concert in L'Auditori de Barcelona in Festival Emergents
Conciert offered to one of the finalists in its concert season
A concert offered by Gaspar Farreras family to one of the finalists at Jardí dels Tarongers of Barcelona. The pianista will perform some of the suggested works by the organization.
A concert offered by family Cendrós Jorba, at Teatre Romea, to one of the top 6 ranked contestants. The winner of the prize has to perform a minimum of one concert by Catalan composer.
Recital in Ateneu Barcelonès offered by Joan-Artur Roura to the semifinalist winner of his prize.
Recital at the Pianino Festival held in the Carthusian Monastery of Valldemossa (Mallorca) offered to a finalist contestant.
Piano recital at the Gasteig in Munich offered by the Cervantes Institute in Munich and Winners & Masters to one of the finalist contestants.
Piano recital at the Real Academia de España in Rome offered to one of the finalists, who will perform the work commissioned by the institution to a resident composer or perform at least one piece by a contemporary Spanish composer.
Recital within the Concert Series Música con Encanto de Marbella offered to one of the finalists.
A tour in China offered by Wu Promotion to a finalist contestant.
Recital at the Teatre Principal in Olot on the occasion of the presentation of the CD of the sonatas by the composer Antoni Soler offered by the Olot City Council to the winner of the competition.
A concert offered by the Lluís Coromina Foundation on occasion of the summer festival in the Auditori de Girona to one of the finalists.
Concert dins del cicle de concert “Remor”, organitzat per l’Ajuntament de Teià.
* This list of concerts that the organization of the Competition offers to the winning Contestants may be modified until the Closing Ceremony and Award Ceremony (see updates at During the last days of the Contest the finalists will be given the opportunity to audition with management agencies, which may offer them contracts and concerts.
Record of Naxos CD
Recording of a CD with the Naxos record label offered to the winner of the first prize, with sonatas by the Catalan composer Antoni Soler (1729-1783).
Record of Naxos CD
Recording of a CD with the Naxos record label offered to the winner of the first prize, with sonatas by the Catalan composer Antoni Soler (1729-1783).
Xiaolu Zang was awarded the second prize at the 20th Paloma
O'Shea Santander. He was winner of the ZF Music Prize and of the international piano competition of
Verona. Xiaolu performed in concert halls such as Regentenbau Bad Kissingen, Graf-Zeppelin-Haus,
Friedrichshafen, Konzerthaus Ravensburg, Salle Cortot, Teatro Filarmonico Verona y Centro Nacional
Beijing Performing Arts Festival, among others. His orchestral collaborations include
Southwest German Philharmonic Orchestra Constance, Lower Saxony State Orchestra Hanover, Orchestre
Royal de Chambre de Wallonia, among others, with conductors such as Pablo Gonzalez, Douglas Bostock,
Hankyeol Yoon, Frank Braley or Valtteri Rauhalammi.
Xiaolu began his professional studies at the Central Conservatory of Music High School in
Beijing Music under the tutelage of Professor Ye Lin. In 2017 he was admitted to the University of
Music, Drama and Media from Hannover to study with Professor Arie Vardi,
with whom he will continue his master's studies in April 2024.
Nascut el 7 d’octubre de 2001 a Minsk, Bielorússia, el 2013 va ingressar a l’Escola de Música
Republicana de l’Acadèmia Estatal de Música de Bielorússia. El 2014 va guanyar el primer premi en
el segon Festival Internacional de Música Clàssica i Concurs per a Joves Pianistes
“Astana Piano Passion”, de Kazakhstan. El mateix any va ser guardonat amb el primer lloc en el
Concurs Internacional Nutcratcker de Moscú.
El 2016 va gravar el seu primer àlbum en solitari pel segell Melodiya. Des de 2020, Vladislav és
alumne de Natalia Trull al Conservatori Estatal de Moscú. El 2021 va rebre el primer premi en el XXXII
Concurs Internacional de Ferrol, Espanya, i el primer premi en el segon Concurs Internacional
de Sanremo, Itàlia. El juny de 2022 es proclamà finalista del prestigiós concurs de piano The Cliburn a
Fort-Worth, i el 2023 obtingué el segon premi en el Concurs Internacional de Piano de Sidney.
Nascut i criat a Hong Kong, el pianista U Chun Lam va començar els seus estudis de piano en
l’Acadèmia GMC amb Rizzo Chung i actualment estudia en el Conservatori Oberlin sota la tutela de
Dang Thai Son.
Chun Lam ha aconseguit contínuament els primers premis en molts concursos internacionals. Els
seus triomfs inclouen premis en el Concurs Internacional de Piano George Enescu, el Concurs de
Piano Júnior Van Cliburn, el Concurs Internacional d’Ettlingen per a Joves Pianistes, el Concurs
Internacional Mozart de Zhuhai per a Joves Músics i el Concurs Internacional de Piano d’Hanoi.
Chun Lam ha col·laborat amb moltes orquestres, incloent-hi l’Orquestra Filharmònica George Enescu,
l’Orquestra Simfònica de Fort Worth, els Solistes de Cambra de Salzburg, l’Orquestra Simfònica
VNAM i l’Orquestra Simfònica Juvenil d’Hong Kong, actuant sota la batuta de Kensho Watanabe, Peter
Bay, Lavard Skou-Larsen i David Gomez Ramírez.
First Prize: Jonathan Mamora (USA)
Second Prize: Valentin Malinin (Russia)
Third Prize: Roman Lopatynskyi (Ukraine)
First Prize: Jaeden Izik-Dzurko (Canada)
Second Prize: Antonio Chen Guang (China)
Third Prize: Masaya Kamei (Japan)
First Prize: Sandro Gegechkori (Georgia)
Second Prize: Ziming Ren (China)
Third Prize: Rafael Kyrychenko (Portugal)
First Prize: Daumants Liepinš (Latvia)
Second Prize: Aleksandr Klyuchko (Russia)
Third Prize: Ka Jeng Wong (Hong Kong)
First Prize: Evgeny Konnov (Russia)
Second Prize: Luke Jones (UK)
Third Prize: Alexey Sychev (Russia)
First Prize: Levon Avagyan (Armenia)
Second Prize: Hin-Yat Sang (Hong Kong)
Third Prize: Anastasia Rizikov (Canada)
First Prize: Hiroo Sato (Japan)
Second Prize: Shiori Kuwahara (Japan)
Third Prize: Yutong Sun (China)
First Prize: Danylo Saienko (Ukraine)
Second Prize: Minsung Lee (South Korea)
Third Prize: Catherina Grewe (Germany)
First Prize: Regina Chernychko (Ukraine)
Second Prize; Sergey Belyavskiy (Russia)
Third Prize: Tatiana Chernichka (Russia)
First Prize: Stanislav Khristenko (Russia)
Second Prize: Tomoaki Yoshida (Japan)
Third Prize: Haejae Kim (South Korea)
First Prize: Soo Jung Ann (South Korea)
Second Prize: Nozomi Nakagiri (Japan)
Third Prize: Vadym Kholodenko (Ukraine)
First Prize: Mateusz Borowiak (Poland/UK)
Second Prize: Alexey Lebedev (Russia)
Third Prize: Alexey Chernov (Russia)
First Prize: Denis Zhdanov (Ukraine)
Second Prize: Olga Kozlova (Russia)
Third Prize: Marko Hilpo (Finland)
First Prize: Vestard Shimkus (Republic of Latvia)
Second Prize: Jong Yun Kim (South Korea)
Third Prize: Scipione Sangiovanni (Italy)
First Prize: Trio Demian (Nozomi Matsumoto (Japan) Misa Yang (Japan) Sietse-Jan Weijemberg (Holland)
Second Prize: Trio Quintillian (Olha Chipak (Ukraine) Yi Mo (China) Ruodi Li (China)
Third Prize: Trio Monte: Anca Lupu (Romania) Ana Rachel Feitosa de Araujo (Brasil) Claude Frochaux (Italy)
First Prize: Martina Filjak (Croatia)
Second Prize: Ilya Maximov (Russia)
Third Prize: Jun Ishimura (Japan)
First Prize: Mladen Colic (Serbia)
Second Prize: ex-aequo: Veronika Böhmova (Czech Republic) Marisa Gupta (USA)
First Prize: José Enrique Bagaria (Spain)
Second Prize: Marie Vermeulin (France)
Third Prize: Mi Yeon I (New Zealand)
First Prize: JueWang (China)
Second Prize: Yukiko Akagi (Japan)
Third Prize: Fumio Kawamura (Japan)
First Prize: Piotr Macknik (Poland)
Second Prize: Yi-Chih Lu (China)
Third Prize: Matei Varga (Romania)
Sonata duets
First Prize: Eung Soo Kim (South Korea) Moon Young Chae (South Korea)
Second Prize: Ihor Bobovych (Republic of Belarus) Elena Kolesnitschenko (Ukraine)
Third Prize: ex.aequo: Julien Beaudiment (France) Laetitia Bougnol (France)- Katia Novell (Spain) Luis Pares (Venezuela)
First Prize: Inesa Sinkevych (Israel)
Second Prize: Yosuke Niino (Japan)
Third Prize: Sowon Hwang (South Korea)
First prize: Viv McLean (UK)
Second Prize, ex-aequo: Alexander Moutouzkine (USA) Kook Hee Hong (South Korea)
Third Prize: Yun-Yang Lee (China)
First Prize: Yurie Miura (Japan)
Second Prize, ex-aequo: Mel Adkins (UK) Ekaterina Krivokochenko (Russia)
Third Prize: Mayako Asada (Japan)
First Prize: Francesca Canali (Italy)
Second Prize: Hyun Im Yoon (South Korea)
Third Prize: Petra Orgl (Austria)
First Prize: Yusuke Kikuchi (Japan)
Second Prize: Ferenc Vizi (Romania)
Third Prize, ex-aequo: Fabrice Lanoë (France) Piotr Kupka (Poland)
First Prize: Annette Dasch (Germany)
Second Prize, ex-aequo: Ramona Eremia (Romania) Giedre Povilaityte (Lithuania)
Third Prize: Not awarded