The Board of Trustees is made up of people and entities that make annual financial donations to the Association. Driven by Rossend Llates since the Competition was founded, the board exemplifies the support and historical commitment of civil society to the project and shows the involvement of civil society with culture in our country. Without their contributions and support the Competition would not be possible. Board members receive information on all competition activities, have preferential invitations to competition rounds and receive the general program printed at home, where their name is published. The trustees can participate in the general assembly of the association.

Tax benefits:

The association of the Maria Canals International Music Competition is an entity declared of Public Utility by the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, thanks to the new Sponsorship Law of Catalonia, any financial contribution to the association offers expanded tax benefits for both individuals and legal entities, within the framework of Article 24 of Law 49/2002 and the applicable Catalan regulations.

Our Board of Trustees: